ALCATEL *#06# Display imei dan Software Version 000000 Entering in engineering Menu 1 9with sim) ###847# Reset to Factory Defaukts (with sim) ###765*02# Add Barring Groups ###765*05# Locking to Network ###765*07# Unlocking from Network ###765*78# Deactive Barring Group
BOSCH *#06# Display imei *#0000# Language automatically (reset to englih) *#3370# Enchane Full Rate #3370# Reset the phone *#9000# Enter Sim Lock *#9001# Enter the corporate code (bosch 908) *#9002# Enter the provider Code (bosch 908) *#9003# Enter network code *#9004 Enter the subset code *#9100# Remove the sim lock permanenly *#9101# Remove the corporate lock permanenly *#9102#Remove the provider lock permanently *#9103# Remove the network lock permanently *#9104# Remove the subject lock permanently *#3262255*8378 Hidden 10th menu
SONY ERICSSON *#06# Display imei <**< Lock menu >*<<*<* Service menu
LG *#06# IMEI (ALL) *#07# IMEI and SW (LG 510) *8375# Software version (LG B1200) *6861# Recount checksum (LG B1200) #PWR 668 Factory Test 1945#*5101# Simlock menu (LG B1200) 2945#*5101# Simlock menu (LG 510W, 5200) 2945#*70001# Simlock menu (LG 7020, 7010) 2947#* Simlock menu (LG 500, 600) 2945*#01*# :Secret menu for LG *#06# :IMEI (ALL) *#07# :IMEI and SW (LG 510) *8375# :Software version (LG B1200) *6861# :Recount cheksum (LG B1200) 1945#*5101# :Simlock menu (LG B1200) 2945#*5101# :Simlock menu (LG 510W, 5200) 2945#*70001# :Simlock menu (LG 7020, 7010) 2947#* :Simlock menu (LG 500, 600) LG-U81XX SPECIAL CODES Code to read phone version : - Phone without SIM - Enter 277634#*# or 47328545454# - Select ‘SW’ Code to reset phone : - Phone without SIM - Enter 277634#*# or 47328545454# - Select ‘Factory Reset’ Code to enter UNLOCK MENU : - Phone wit SIM inside - Enter 2945#*88110# Test Menu 8330 : 637664#*# Test Menu 8180 V10a : 49857465454# Test Menu 8180 V11a : 492662464663# Test Menu 8130-8138 : 47328545454# Test Menu 8110-8120 : 277634#*#
MOTOROLA T205/ T19x *#06# Display imei *#300# OK List the software and hardware version *#301# OK Full keypads functional test *#303# OK Set default language to english *#304# OK Set OFF engineering mode *#304*19980722# Set ON engineering mode *#307# OK Engineering test mode *#311# OK Phone code changed to default code *#402# OK Adjust display intensity/ contrast *#403# OK List the manufacturing informations 19980722 OK Master unlock code for phone and simlock *#302# OK Accoustict test *#3370# Enhanced full rate *#0000# OK Settings saved, restore set phone to default language Motorola E398/ROKR E1 menu+048263* dari situ ratusan fungsi bisa dijalankan
NOKIA *#06# Display imei *#0000# Shows software version *#746025625# Shows if your phone supports sim lock stopping *#92702689# Displays various info, repair date, purchase date, etc *3370# Activates enhanced full rate #3370# Deactivates enhanced full rate *4370# Actives enhanced half rate #4370# Deactivates enhanced half rate *#2820# Bluetooth information *#7220# Enables GPRS pccch *#67705646# Clears operator logo on some versions of 3310 and 3330 *#7370# Software reset (beware your data will be lost)
PANASONIC *#06# Display imei *#9999# (press within first 10 sec after poer on) Displays software version
PHILIPS *#06# Display imei *#2254*# Status register: C, BS, RR, MMI, Creat *#2255*# Activate and deactivate the debug call *#2558*# The time in days, hours and monutes you are connected to the net *#3377*# Init, flags, sim lock *#7378*# Name, length, sim phase *#7489*# Security code *#7693*# You can activate and deactivate the sleep mode
SAMSUNG *#06# Displays imei *2767*5282# Java reset and (deletes all java midlets) *2767*63342# Reset media (deletes all sounds and pics) *2767*927# Wap reset *#9998*4357# Help menu *#9998*5282# Java menu *#9999#0# Monitor mode *#9999# Software version *#8888# Hardware version *#9998*746# Sim info *#9998*523# Display contrast *#9998*842# Vibration on (until you push ok) *#999*289# Buzzer on (until you push ok) *#9998*288# Battery and field info *#9998*377# Error log *#9998*778# Sim service table *#9998*782# Show date and alaram clock *#8999*638# Show network information *#9998*5646# Change operator logo at startup *#9998*76# Production number *#9998*968# View melody for alarm *#9998*585# Non volatile memory *#3243948# Digital audio interference off *#32436837# Digital audio interference *#9999# Show software version *#0837# Show software version (instruction) *#0001# Show s*r*al parameters *#9125# Activates the smiley when charging *#9998*228# Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature) *#9998*246# Program status *#9998*324# Debug screens *#9998*364# Watchdog *#9998*427# Trace watchdog *#9998*544# Jig detect *#9998*636# Memory status *#9998*837# Software version *#9998*862 Vocoder reg-normal, earphone or carkit can be selected *#998*872# Diag *#9998*947# Reset on fatal error *#9998*999# Last/ check *#9998*9999# Software version *2767*2878# Custom EEPROM reset
SIEMENS *#06# Display imei *#06# then press left long button Display software info SP unlock *#0003* (secret code 8 digits)# *#0000# then the green button Reset language to automatic selection.
Disadur : dari Zillanku
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